Dalton highway and Gravel Highway Vehicles
The Dalton Highway in Alaska is a 415 mile/667 km long highway that connects the Interior of Alaska to the far North. The Dalton Road begins at mile 73 on the Elliott Highway (78 miles north of Fairbanks) and ends at the town of Deadhorse, a few miles from Prudhoe Bay, site of North America’s largest oil discovery. 下面的链接有更详细信息:
一般的rental car, they are not authorized for use on the Dalton Highway, Elliot Highway past Livengood, Steese Highway (past milepost 82), Denali Highway, Denali Park Rd (past milepost 15), McCarthy Road, Taylor Highway, the Top of the World Highway, Petersville Rd past Kroto Creek, Hatcher Pass Rd (MP 17 to MP 33), or the Dempster Highway. 要想开这里,可以租Gravel Highway Vehicles 。Gravel Highway Vehicles和普通车比较配备不同,有 heavy duty puncture resistant tires, two spare tires, and a CB radio,每次出租之前都会做相应的检查,价格也比普通车贵很多。价格夏天和冬天不太一样,租多天比租一天每天便宜。Fairbanks有两个地方可选。其中Alaska Auto Rental,还有其他location,可以就近租开完马上还。
24 hours: Midsize SUV: $381.5 pick up:$445
48 hours: Midsize SUV $563 pick up:$690
2. http://www.arctic-outfitters.com/winter
$249/day, 250miles, + 0.35/miles +20%tax
two days: $219/day, 250miles, + 0.35/miles +20%tax
还有一条有名的gravel高速,Denali Hwy, 比Dalton Hwy短,一天时间就可以开完了。多年前开过一次,这次就没计划再开。