请问楼主,如果坐那种在巴哈马上岸住两天的cruise,是否有必要办理签证? 有没有被禁止上船的事情发生?
thanks LZ!
just see your message. A quick question, we have reserved the cruise to Bahama next Sunday , but found our China Passport has been expired. I don't think we have enough time to re-new it.
We are in NYC. We do have our greencard, and we were told from Priceline.com, as long as we bring our Greencard and driver licence, we can on borad and return with no problem. What do you think?
thank you jso much for your advise.
能不能再问问,如果父母时B2签证,带了六个月后又延期了6个月,到现在B2签证马上过期, 但新的I94到今年六月都有效,这期间能去加勒比cruise吗?也就是说过期的B2签证,但有效的I94,可以去加勒比cruise吗?非常感谢。真是很想带爸妈去。
能不能再问问,如果父母时B2签证,带了六个月后又延期了6个月,到现在B2签证马上过期, 但新的I94到今年六月都有效,这期间能去加勒比cruise吗?也就是说过期的B2签证,但有效的I94,可以去加勒比cruise吗?非常感谢。真是很想带爸妈去。
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