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交往多久intimate算是too soon啊

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18-10-10 21:58操作
交往多久intimate算是too soon啊

---发自Huaren 官方 iOS APP

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18-10-10 22:26操作
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18-10-11 02:29操作
回复 [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2346151&postid=78748618#78748618]1楼Joyce1026的帖子[/url] At least not the first (few) times. The important thing is you do not change before and after doing it.
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18-10-11 10:44操作
[url=https://nypost.com/2017/09/18/the-three-date-rule-for-sex-is-dead/]https://nypost.com/2017/09/18/the-three-date-rule-for-sex-is-dead/[/url] 这篇文章不错。 We might live in an age of hookup apps and swiping for partners, but a new study shows for relationship success, couples should wait until date eight to do the deed. A study of 2,000 US adults found the “three-date rule” could be a thing of the past. Modal Trigger SWNS Results showed the average person polled would wait until date eight in an ideal world before taking things to the bedroom. The study by Groupon found men feel sex is appropriate at any point from date five onward, but women would rather wait until date nine, on average. Men were nine times more likely to be OK with sleeping together on the first date (9 percent vs. 1 percent), yet just 30 percent of men and 8 percent of women think sex should happen inside the first three dates. And it’s not just in the bedroom that things are happening more slowly than you might think: Those going on a first date soon shouldn’t get their hopes up for a first-date kiss, as results showed the average couple now doesn’t kiss until the second date. Even if it’s gone well, just one in six (17 percent) will “always” kiss on the first date. And while 39 percent will still pucker up if a date has gone well, even more (45 percent) say a first-date kiss for them will rarely or never happen. Men are more eager to lock lips on a first date and are more than twice as likely to say they always kiss on a first date if it’s gone well. The younger a person is, the more likely they are to smooch at the end of a first date, according to results. Guys, it’s still up to you to make the move — just 3 percent of women think they should be the ones to initiate the first kiss. But even getting to that stage is far from easy due to the obvious pitfalls of dating: One in 10 people have actually turned down a date because they didn’t like the choice of restaurant, while a third (32 percent) have had to use their best acting skills to turn down a date. Sometimes people wish they’d turned the date down. Nearly a third of those polled have had a horrendously awkward time due to the other person eating off their plate, drinking from their glass or telling them what to order. That might be why one in seven has even escaped a date by pretending to go to the bathroom and never returning. If you do manage to make it past the first date, three days is the average wait before setting up date two, with millennials slightly eager to progress things, averaging under 48 hours. So, knowing how to pace things, what venue to pick and how to act on a date are all things to sweat over in the courting process — and then there’s the small matter of exclusivity. Nearly half of those polled have dated more than one person at a time, and a fifth have dated three or more people at the same time. Even when you are exclusive, you’re never totally safe — a shocking 30 percent of people confessed that they have a backup person in mind if their current relationship fails! To stay on your game and ensure relationship success, Groupon’s research found a couple needs to issue at least five random compliments, enjoy two meals out and one date night to the movies a month. Three days out together, three heart-to-heart conversations and two times ordering food in during a typical month should also be what happy couples aim for. “Whether you’re single or in a relationship, fall is a great time for people to head out on dates and take their romantic game to the next level,” said Guido Torrini, VP and GM of Groupon+. “People aiming for a relationship like to take their time to go on a number of dates and build a connection, which is why picking the right type of activity is an important consideration in the date planning process.” Monthly targets to ensure a successful relationship 5 random compliments 3 heart-to-hearts 3 days out 2 occasions of spending time with partner’s friends/family 2 meals in a restaurant 2 order in food 1 surprise gift 1 trip to the movies Top 10 first-date ideas Dinner at a restaurant Movie theater Drink at a bar Meet at a coffee shop Outdoor activity Sightseeing around the city Club/dancing Concert Bowling Comedy club Top 10 ways to get out of a bad date Pretend to be ill Have a friend text/call me Pretend that you’re tired Say you have plans afterward Fake a phone call Have your friend crash the date Said I needed the bathroom, then never returned Fake your period Pet-related emergency Try to disgust your date
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18-10-11 23:40操作
回复 [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2346151&postid=78751990#78751990]4楼sweetbebe的帖子[/url] How interesting... now it is date eight or nine and Groupon does dating research.
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18-10-12 23:34操作
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18-10-15 16:11操作
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18-10-22 20:56操作
回复 [url=http://rd2.huaren4us.com/huaren.php?hrtopic_id=2346151&hrurl=%2fshowtopic.aspx%3ftopicid%3d2346151%26amp%3bpostid%3d78751990%2378751990][img][/img][/url]4楼sweetbebe的帖子[/url]

How interesting... now it is date eight or nine and Groupon does dating research.
wantzhu 发表于 10/11/2018 11:40:09 PM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2346151&postid=78759242#78759242][/url]

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