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(干货都没了)从online dating说到bloody gorgeous Harvey!

0操作5861 #
5861 #
16-03-15 01:25操作
Can I have the promotion code?
0操作5862 #
5862 #
16-03-15 01:40操作
0操作5863 #
5863 #
16-03-20 22:49操作
Can it be shipped to Canada?? I am very interested. Promo code please! Thanks a lot!
0操作5864 #
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16-03-21 19:42操作
花了两天终于把楼爬完了…… 如果早点看到这个帖子就好了
0操作5865 #
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16-04-04 19:35操作
我就是想问问,如果有很好的洗发产品,大家会不会有兴趣试试?我可以要来折扣,至于free shipping, 刚在电话里说的是已经找人在改了,要么是49 要么是35 free shipping

大致说下把,一般都是从30 day kit开始,三部曲。至于怎么用,网上有说明,我就不多说了。我只想强调一点,你若只用个2,3次不一定能看到它的好来。一定要坚持用上一段时间。当然如果你连用了1,2周后,就会发现掉发变少了。这个护发素是抹在头皮的,不是发尾。我知道的是,这些产品的成本价是非常高的,不要跟我提什么alterna, oribe, philp p一类的,beat them all. 产品本身是针对脱发掉发的。很多癌症病人chemo阶段用了这个,都发现头发掉的少了。市场才刚刚打开,但是回购率已经很高了。如果不好,我也不会拿自己的reputation发帖。另外,如果你不喜欢,30天内也可以免费退款的。当然人家对自己产品有信心。

很多人用了之后都电话表示要注资。最搞的,林建岳之前还给公司的人发邮件要产品,personal use, 因为之前无意间用到发现很好,如果不给,那他就买。然后公司的人就寄了一批给他。前段时间他找他的手下,一个姓yip的,以前在亚洲高盛的m&a干的banker,问注资的事,顺便想打开中国的市场。因为对方想要配方, 这边的人不同意,反正最后没谈拢。如果有人不信,我完全可以要来邮件往来,po出来。
anyway, 是产品真心优秀,而且很多人也是有掉发的烦恼,于是想推荐给大家。我之前跟朋友们见面,已经顺手送了n套了。反馈来的都说好。。直说还要找我要kit, 可我没法长期免费供应哎。。

说完了。promo code 我明后天就能要来。发这个纯粹说一时脑热。有兴趣的可以短信我或是跟帖。

cute-wheat 发表于 3/10/2016 12:02:15 AM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1222855&postid=71038870#71038870][/url]
有兴趣~~求一个code 现在用了两瓶oribe了也就还好没有特殊感觉还小贵.
0操作5866 #
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16-04-05 11:47操作
0操作5867 #
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16-04-05 13:44操作
有兴趣~~求一个code 现在用了两瓶oribe了也就还好没有特殊感觉还小贵.

jenniferrose 发表于 4/4/2016 7:35:22 PM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1222855&postid=71302153#71302153][/url]
0操作5868 #
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16-04-08 16:43操作

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5869 #
16-04-08 16:52操作
[em79][em79][em79] 我来了!trial kit用了一大半,效果已经很明显,说真的,有掉发问题的妹子们真的值得一试,基本上你第一次洗头就能感觉到不同。。当然我也是试过常常换洗发水,一开始有效不等于后来一直有效,通常我是用了几次之后就没效了(包括各种贵的洗发水,nnd),该掉发的还是掉。不过这个套装针对掉发的问题十分见效!对了,他家的护发素可以直接抹头皮上,说是护发素,其实我觉得更多的功效是recovery。先不说太多啦,一说起来我就没完没了了!
和咪姐的对话cute-wheat 发表于 2016-04-08 13:53 PM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1222855&postid=71346776#71346776][/url]
0操作5870 #
5870 #
16-04-09 14:20操作
Dear cute-wheat,

First of all, I’d like to thank you very much for creating this thread; you have provided us so much information, tips, interesting stories, encouragement, etc. etc. I can’t thank you enough and I really appreciate for all the things you and other girls shared here in the post.

The saddest thing is that, I think I actually read part of this post when you started it back in 2012, at that time, I started to have problems with my marriage (well, to be honest, I have had issues way back when I was dating my ex-husband, I believe I have made almost every mistake a dumb girl possible could with dating n marriage throughout the years). Now looking back, it’s so freaking pathetic. Anyways, at that time, after I read your post, I was thinking, waaa, what an amazing post, so many things you girls talked about made so much sense, you girls seemed so cool and I’d like to be one of you girls. Then after I shut off the huaren app, I went back to crying (sadly asking “god” why my marriage couldn’t go back to how it was) and calling my friends asking for help while not really doing what they suggested. I guess one of the very few things I learned here was that I did buy and read some of the books you recommended (tao of dating, why men love/marry bXitches, the five love languages etc, and I loved every one of them. I have bought a few other books and they were just alright, some I didn’t even finish).

I finally divorced my ex late last year, found a new job (though with much lower pay), moved to a new city, my parents bought a new house for me and they moved to US and live with me now. For the whole winter, I thought I was over with my ex, then I realized that I didn’t (another dumb thing).

I created an account on coffee meets bagel (before I started to re-read this post), at least I was “smart” enough to know (guess that’s another thing I had vague memory about after having read this post in 2012) that I shouldn’t start a conversation and should wait until a guy to come and talk to me. A few guys made contact, and I didn’t even bother to reply (that’s when I realized that I wasn’t over my ex yet and that I should start to get my shXt together and move on). Then a few weeks ago, a guy from HK contacted me and asked me out, I liked the way he looks so we made arrangements and had our first and only meetup in a movie theater. I thought it went well, but obviously not that well since he never asked me out again, which I don’t really mind. And that’s when I thought of this post and wanted to re-read everything discussed here. So I spent the past 2 weeks, slowly reading and taking in all the information here, and I’m so grateful that I did it.

One of the things that touches me most is what you said about being confident/happy from within. I can remember that back in 2012 when I read this post for the first time (as I said, I don’t think I have read the whole thread and lots of follow-up discussions), I took it as “as long as I believe in myself, I think and stay positive, then the good things (guys) will come”. Well, it’s kinda of true, to some extent. But I didn’t realize that you need to make effort, to try your best, to really improve yourself, and then, you will gain confidence from positive feedbacks/outcomes after you better yourself. You can’t just stay in bed, read posts on the forum, not get your ass up to take pictures, to work on your profiles, to read more and expand your interest, and “wait” for the right guy to fall in love with you. And in one of your more recent updates, you mentioned that before you would say sth like “you deserve someone better”, now you think that “you deserve exactly what you get”. I couldn’t agree more. For example, I read the same post in 2012, I had problems with my ex, I knew that I should have left him way back when (with what I have learned from you and my own miserable experience, I should have dumped him even when we were dating), I let him take me for granted and walked all over me like a doormat. BUT, I couldn’t have divorced him. Not necessary mentally (at that time), it’s more because I wasn’t “ready” (ok, I know it sounds like an excuse). I couldn’t drive (always had to ask him to take me to places, he taught me and led me into the career I had from 2010-2015, which later in my opinion that I became better at our job than him), I couldn’t find a job (at least not easily, its complicated, don’t wanna get into details), basically, I couldn’t really stay alive (I exaggerated here, but you know what I’m saying) and make a living in the U.S. and I didn’t want go back to China (I have always enjoyed life abroad, and I don’t like the working/living environment in China, just personal preference). But in 2015, I got really good at driving (I love driving on highway), I learned how to take care of things (just small things like how to rent an apartment, how to buy a car, how to ask for help, or even how to do well in an interview and land a decent job). So at least, physically, I was “ready”. Sadly, I have been brainwashed by him for so many years (eg, why not just live in the moment, don’t need to plan for the future, why can’t you just be happy with what we have, I have been a much better husband than my grandpa and my dad, etc etc.). Didn’t you say sth like if you stay too long with losers, you lose the ability to distinguish the losers (not verbatim). That’s how I was in early 2015. Thankfully, my mom decided to come to U.S. and pushed hard to encourage me to leave him (my mom has always been a great life mentor though I have been dumb/stubborn enough not to listen to her advice). I took my mom and my belongs and left him to another city, and filed divorced there. I later found a new job, gained more confidence but still trapped in the past, until the wakening call. I’m really grateful to the HK boy, he was a real gentleman, polite, easy to talk to, etc, he made me feel good about myself. That’s why I couldn’t agree more that the easiest way to get over with your ex is to go out and date new guys.

Obviously, I have learned a whole lot more than what I have written here, but I just wanna share this with you (and many other girls like me who were/are troubled by failed relationships). I don’t wanna act like a drama queen and say that “oh dear cute-wheat, you saved me, you turned my life around”, I simply wanna thank you from deep of my heart and want you to know that you and all those wonderful gals who shared your wisdom in this post have helped me in a tremendous way, I want you to know that you didn’t waste your time typing every word on this public forum. I know it’s still too early to say that you will lead me to success in the dating department, I’m sure that I will still make mistakes, maybe even dumb ones, but I will always come back and re-read the things discussed here and learn from my or others’ mistakes and go from there. (You can’t go back and change how the story started, but you can always start now and change how it ends.) I have bought a few more books you recommended in these past two weeks, and will start to read them since I finally finished reading this post last night.

Last but not least, is it too late to ask for the promo code for the shampoo that you recommended? I have always had hair loss issue. Thank you.

PS, I think it’s gonna be your birthday soon, right? I remember you said you are Aries. Happy 30th birthday to you and hope you will have a great wedding this year. (I’m a 1985 Sagittarius, thank god I don’t feel pressured to have to get married or have baby before XX years old.)

PPS, I will start a new post a bit later once I start to use match.com and share my thoughts/experience on this forum. Adivice and critiques are very much welcomed and appreaciated!

Thank you.
0操作5871 #
5871 #
16-04-09 15:04操作
谢谢mm, 刚睡醒 看到这样的post, 很开心。你已经迈出了最艰难的一步,往后只会越走越顺。老天永远眷顾肯帮助自己积极向人的人。谢谢你的生日祝福。生日刚过。

最近没promo code, 也没问啥时会打折。几个月前有过一次打折。不过就算打折,也不会很多。因为我知道他们卖给salon, regional distributor的折扣,根本不多。原因么,成本本身就特别高。之前我说,他们家是用的最好最贵的原料,估计很多人还不鸟。不过就是这样。拿什么alterna,一类的比就没意思了, 那些只是名气大而已。这个牌子的开发人有将近30年作洗发产品的经验,以前一直是在大公司干。几年前才开始创业。东西要是不一等一的好,外人也不会愿意注资。一开始我也不信,用了我也被折服了。

算也是给其它mm一并回答的。如果你不在乎省几块钱,那现在就原价买一套30 day kit, 用的不满意,直接联系客服退了。一分损失都没。要是满意,告诉我,我能做到的就是在你下次下单前可以给你很好的折扣或是额外免费送一些产品,一定不会让你觉得吃亏了。他们现在其实也不是特别在乎散户的销量,现在着重international wholesale, 美国么,西部市场还没怎么开发,东部么在很多高档的salon里卖。
0操作5872 #
5872 #
16-04-09 15:09操作
而且他们家强大的conditioner, 不仅仅是修复头发,可以直接抹头皮, activate your scalp cells为下面长头发做准备。牛逼的还在,你要是被咬了,哪里有划伤,哪里发痒,可以直接涂皮肤上过夜的。第二天就会好很多。conditioner作为护发素,这个是要求你抹在头皮而不是发尾,不过不用担心营养过剩,头发变油。我用这个前是不用护发素的,用这个,也没觉得头发有变的很油或是不舒服。吹干后也一样柔顺蓬松。不用担心头发塌在头皮的问题

0操作5873 #
5873 #
16-04-09 15:24操作
不过马甲姑娘,我想跟你说的是,见字如见人。你的写作风格在很多时候能反映出你是一个什么样的人。我想在现实中,你大概不容易做到抓大放小。很容易将自己迷失在细节里。而往往这些不重要的细节会蒙蔽你的双眼,让你看不清事件的核心所在。不知道我说的对不对。而且你应该有点絮叨的,说难听点是control freak。而且你人应该也比较执拗。

至于你写的东西,我想说,你跟朋友交流也就罢了,你在工作中甚至约会的邮件的往来里,一定要注意简洁。能一句话说完的不要用2,3句或是更多。be concise. 我建议你没事可以有意识的训练下自己。我不喜欢有些鲜花大妈的言论。哎呀干吗那么在意语法用词啊。你写的差不多了,老外能看不懂不就行了么。p! 任何时候都不要降低自己学习的欲望和本领,除非你想做个家里蹲的和社会脱节的大妈。有意识的加强自己的business writing skill, 你会发现受益的不仅仅是在工作里。至于怎么加强。大量的读书。书读多了你自然会发现,你的写作用词在提高,这些都是无意识中提高的。多pay attention to native speaker在书信中的用词,看到好的,记下,模仿着用,用几次就彻底变为你自己的了。至于语法时态,虚拟语气,这个就是死看书了把?我是国内应试教育过来的,从小英语就好,这个对我而言不是问题。现在看到有人写东西,前后时态混乱,中式思维,虚拟语气不会用,我的ocd也发作了。。
0操作5874 #
5874 #
16-04-09 18:58操作
写作简洁的确很重要, mm们不介意的话分享一篇几个podcast都有推荐的文章。 The Day You Became A Better Writer by Scot Adams I went from being a bad writer to a good writer after taking a one-day course in “business writing.” I couldn’t believe how simple it was. I’ll tell you the main tricks here so you don’t have to waste a day in class. Business writing is about clarity and persuasion. The main technique is keeping things simple. Simple writing is persuasive. A good argument in five sentences will sway more people than a brilliant argument in a hundred sentences. Don’t fight it. Simple means getting rid of extra words. Don’t write, “He was very happy” when you can write “He was happy.” You think the word “very” adds something. It doesn’t. Prune your sentences. Humor writing is a lot like business writing. It needs to be simple. The main difference is in the choice of words. For humor, don’t say “drink” when you can say “swill.” Your first sentence needs to grab the reader. Go back and read my first sentence to this post. I rewrote it a dozen times. It makes you curious. That’s the key. Write short sentences. Avoid putting multiple thoughts in one sentence. Readers aren’t as smart as you’d think. Learn how brains organize ideas. Readers comprehend “the boy hit the ball” quicker than “the ball was hit by the boy.” Both sentences mean the same, but it’s easier to imagine the object (the boy) before the action (the hitting). All brains work that way. (Notice I didn’t say, “That is the way all brains work”?) That’s it. You just learned 80% of the rules of good writing. You’re welcome.
0操作5875 #
5875 #
16-04-09 20:59操作
不过马甲姑娘,我想跟你说的是,见字如见人。你的写作风格在很多时候能反映出你是一个什么样的人。我想在现实中,你大概不容易做到抓大放小。很容易将自己迷失在细节里。而往往这些不重要的细节会蒙蔽你的双眼,让你看不清事件的核心所在。不知道我说的对不对。而且你应该有点絮叨的,说难听点是control freak。而且你人应该也比较执拗。

至于你写的东西,我想说,你跟朋友交流也就罢了,你在工作中甚至约会的邮件的往来里,一定要注意简洁。能一句话说完的不要用2,3句或是更多。be concise. 我建议你没事可以有意识的训练下自己。我不喜欢有些鲜花大妈的言论。哎呀干吗那么在意语法用词啊。你写的差不多了,老外能看不懂不就行了么。p! 任何时候都不要降低自己学习的欲望和本领,除非你想做个家里蹲的和社会脱节的大妈。有意识的加强自己的business writing skill, 你会发现受益的不仅仅是在工作里。至于怎么加强。大量的读书。书读多了你自然会发现,你的写作用词在提高,这些都是无意识中提高的。多pay attention to native speaker在书信中的用词,看到好的,记下,模仿着用,用几次就彻底变为你自己的了。至于语法时态,虚拟语气,这个就是死看书了把?我是国内应试教育过来的,从小英语就好,这个对我而言不是问题。现在看到有人写东西,前后时态混乱,中式思维,虚拟语气不会用,我的ocd也发作了。。

cute-wheat 发表于 4/9/2016 3:24:03 PM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1222855&postid=71354673#71354673][/url]
q麦,你实在太神了。 可不可以具体请教下你是怎么看到我过于关注细节容易迷失其中啊?这个是去年我妈妈搬来美国跟我住在一起之后才发现并且告诉我的。我能够理解一部分,但是我实在太好奇你是怎么一下子就看出来了啊? 你谈到的表达能力差这是我一直以来的问题。我其实今天开始是用中文写得,写了一两段实在下不下去了,觉得非常难以表达然后删了全部改成英文写,起码能够表述出我想说的意思。这个也会是我接下来努力改进的一个方面,还有怎样进行small talk。当然这些也都是跟平时的阅读量知识面直接挂钩的。 另外谢谢楼上mm的分享,我读了,有所收获。 ps Q麦我好像把你生日算错了, sorry
0操作5876 #
5876 #
16-04-09 21:10操作
谢谢sai的分享,这个类似的我以前在哪也看过。反正就是主要的几点把,能主动式的别整被动句式,能简洁的一句说完的,别整好多句,从句定句这类句式也要少用。句子结构不要太复杂。不是说复杂了,就显得你多有文采似的。的确,一些强调的形容词,尤其是带有个人感情色彩的不要多用,比如mm举例里的very。不过这些都是说的写文章,学术论文一类的。大家注意下就好了。我没写过那种发表的学术paper, 班上大神很多,我就不班门弄斧了。估计说多了会显得我很蠢;-p
0操作5877 #
5877 #
16-04-09 21:15操作
刚刚去下单买洗发水鸟,我google了一个promo code scalpcare n received 20% off.给大家分享下,不知道什么时候过期。
0操作5878 #
5878 #
16-04-09 21:18操作
马甲,你不用好奇了。。这个没法说的,算是人生经验把。很玄乎的东西。social多了,见的人多了聊的人多了,自然能看透很多东西。这生日每年也不是白过的不是。要是只长岁数不长脑子不长情商,那aging的也太浪费了。older and wiser.

不用和我说sorry, 我生日也是刚刚过去。我应该比你大半岁。
0操作5879 #
5879 #
16-04-09 21:22操作

刚刚去下单买洗发水鸟,我google了一个promo code scalpcare n received 20% off.给大家分享下,不知道什么时候过期。

startover2016 发表于 4/9/2016 9:15:45 PM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1222855&postid=71356787#71356787][/url]
哈哈哈!牛!这个code我还真不知道。有兴趣的妹子赶紧去买吧。折扣不会再低于8折了。再低wholesale的卖家就该抗议了。连之前shipping从170降到79都有人不高兴。因为会间接影响到他们regional distributor的销量。
0操作5880 #
5880 #
16-04-09 21:25操作
回复 [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=1222855&postid=71356809#71356809]5879楼cute-wheat的帖子[/url] nod nod 谢谢mm鼓励