The emphasis on Listeria monocytogenes is because it can cross the placenta, which makes it particularly dangerous during pregnancy. Here's why:
- Ability to Cross the Placenta:
- Listeria can invade the placental tissues and amniotic fluid, reaching the fetus. Once it crosses the placenta, it can lead to severe fetal infections.
- Risks to the Baby:
- Infections caused by Listeria can result in miscarriage, stillbirth, preterm labor, or neonatal listeriosis, a life-threatening infection in newborns.
- Pregnant Women Are More Susceptible:
- Pregnancy suppresses parts of the immune system to protect the developing fetus. This immune shift makes pregnant women 10–20 times more likely to get Listeria infection compared to the general population.
This is why foods with a higher risk of Listeria contamination (e.g., unpasteurized dairy, deli meats, and refrigerated pâtés) are highlighted as particularly hazardous for pregnant individuals.
强调李斯特菌(Listeria monocytogenes)的原因是因为它能够穿过胎盘,这使其在怀孕期间特别危险。以下是具体原因:
- 能够穿过胎盘:
- 李斯特菌可以侵入胎盘组织和羊水,进而到达胎儿。一旦穿过胎盘,就可能导致严重的胎儿感染。
- 对胎儿的风险:
- 李斯特菌感染可能导致流产、死胎、早产或新生儿李斯特菌病,这种病是新生儿的严重感染,可能危及生命。
- 孕妇更容易感染:
- 怀孕期间,为了保护胎儿,孕妇的免疫系统部分功能会被抑制。这种免疫变化使孕妇感染李斯特菌的风险比普通人高10至20倍。
Source: ChatGPT, 2024