马上有一个part-time internship的interview。不知道这种internship的interview和正式工作的interview区别大吗?对方是会偏重问我过去的经验,还是更偏重我对他们目前project的了解程度?
马上有一个part-time internship的interview。不知道这种internship的interview和正式工作的interview区别大吗?对方是会偏重问我过去的经验,还是更偏重我对他们目前project的了解程度?
From my personal experience, they are very interested in what I have done before, so that they can have ideas about what I will be able to accomplish. They are interested in the skills you have, which could be applied to projects they have...
Good luck.
From my personal experience, they are very interested in what I have done before, so that they can have ideas about what I will be able to accomplish. They are interested in the skills you have, which could be applied to projects they have...
Good luck.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-2-2 16:47:17编辑过]
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