What is Career Networking?
from Smith Business School, UMCP
You should have only one purpose in contacting the part-time students and alumni – that of career networking. It is said that up to 90% of all jobs are secured through networking (as opposed to applying for job postings online or in the paper). Thus, networking is an important skill that you should develop while you are at Smith.
The term “career networking” has a very specific definition.
· It means that you must have a well-researched and purposeful interest in the companies or industries that these individuals work in. It means that you wish to learn more about what their jobs involve so that you may decide whether this career path might be one that you want to pursue.
· It means that you will be requesting what is called an “informational interview”, i.e. asking for the person to spend some time (usually no more than 15-30 minutes) with you either by phone or in person to share information on their companies, industries or specific job responsibilities.
· After speaking with the person, you may feel that you wish to explore the company or industry further. If the networking interaction has gone well, the individual may be willing to refer you to others within their organizations or industries.
· Career networking must always be reciprocal in that you are willing to share the same sorts of information about your previous/current career with the person you are have contacted.
· Networking does not mean asking straight out for a job! However, it is recognized that you are networking with the hope of zeroing in on the right career for you. You should expect that a great job will eventually come out of the warm and mutually beneficial personal relationships you are forming as you network.
Important Career Networking Etiquette
Career networking is like any other human interaction, in that it should be based on mutual respect and consideration for the other individual. Therefore, you should demonstrate courtesy at all times when networking.
· Recognizing how busy everyone is these days, we recommend that your first contact be via email. A good sample contact e-mail is attached. The script for your phone follow-up should be similar.
· If your email is not answered and your follow-up call is not returned within one week, you might try making one more attempt to contact the person. Possibly, they have been out of the office or on vacation. If there is still no response, do not attempt to contact the person again! It is clear that they do not wish to speak with you. Move on to your next contact.
· Once you have secured a phone or personal interview, be punctual and do not cancel unless it is an extreme emergency. Respect the value of the person’s time and be conscious of their busy schedule at all times.
· Do not take more than 15-30 minutes of the person’s time.
· Make a mental agenda for the meeting and make sure you know why you are there and what you hope to accomplish. Use polite “closing statements”, such as the following to make sure you come away with some next steps
“You have been so helpful in giving me a broad overview of the pharmaceutical industry and I really appreciate your time. Is there anyone else in your organization who might be willing to help me become more familiar with the pricing and reimbursement issues you mentioned?”
“Talking with you has certainly confirmed my interest in investment banking. What steps would you recommend that I take next to explore a possible summer internship with your firm?”
Remember: People want to help and are generally happy to do so if you are polished and respectful!
· Always write a thank-you note. An email is fine, as is a personal hand-written note. Your note should follow within 24 hours of the interaction.
If you wish to do any further reading, the following books are helpful:
Networking – Insiders’ Strategies for Tapping the Hidden Market
Dig Your Well Before You Are Thirsty