最近好象形势好些.不少公司都联系我了.但是相当一部分表示不能提供"H1B SPONSORSHIP".我记得有不少大侠是自己搞定H1B的(当然公司要出PAPERWORK).那么,我能不能告诉这些公司我可以自己出钱申请H1B,只需要他们出PAPERWORK.这样是不是就不用他们提供H1B SPONSORSHIP了呢?各位懂行的支个招吧?多谢了!!!!
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-27 13:43:01编辑过]
以下是引用cerium在2004-9-27 13:42:21的发言:
Unfortunately, You still need sponsership. That is a legal commitment to the department of labor.
That is a good start, hold on.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-27 13:43:01编辑过]
以下是引用homosapiens在2004-9-27 14:22:20的发言:以下是引用cerium在2004-9-27 13:42:21的发言:
Unfortunately, You still need sponsership. That is a legal commitment to the department of labor.
That is a good start, hold on.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-27 13:43:01编辑过]
thanks, cerium. So this sponsorship doesn't mean only financial sponsorship. it also means legal sponsorship. am i right?
以下是引用cerium在2004-9-27 16:39:57的发言:以下是引用homosapiens在2004-9-27 14:22:20的发言:
以下是引用cerium在2004-9-27 13:42:21的发言:
Unfortunately, You still need sponsership. That is a legal commitment to the department of labor.
That is a good start, hold on.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-9-27 13:43:01编辑过]
thanks, cerium. So this sponsorship doesn't mean only financial sponsorship. it also means legal sponsorship. am i right?
It means the employer has tried to hire citizen or permanent resident before considering an offer for you. Try not to hold yourself back from any interview possibilities. If you impressed the interviewer pretty much, you chance is equal to other candidates.
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