不知这的gdjm们是否有以前学医的,有人在resume上写 M.D. 的吗? 大家都知道中国学医和着不一样,只是个本科生。 但毕竟多花了好几年在大学里![[em04]](https://emojis.huaren.us/static/emojis/v1/default/em04.gif)
. 我认识几个外国人他们也是本科生时学医,但却都大言不惭的自称M.D. ![[em10]](https://emojis.huaren.us/static/emojis/v1/default/em10.gif)
。但 现在眼看就要毕业找工作了,开始整理resume,想尽办法使resume更attractive, 想写M.D还是心虚![[em03]](https://emojis.huaren.us/static/emojis/v1/default/em03.gif)
想听一听大家的意见...BOW ~~![[em11]](https://emojis.huaren.us/static/emojis/v1/default/em11.gif)
以下是引用cerium在2004-7-27 11:56:48的发言:
It is ok to use MD in many of circumstances. In fact, tons of Postdoc in medical school are MDs from China. Be confident. However, you also need to be careful to judge if your title will be helpful or not. Even many American are afraid to call themselves MD if they did not pass the certificate exam or they are not working in the medical field.
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