This is for big firms which seldom lay off people.
Niu: Always get promotion within department.
Successful: Always get promotion by transferring department.
Normal: Not much promotion and stay in one department.
Loser: Not much promotion even keep transferring department.
According to the experience of a VP in my company. He get promoted from bench scientist to VP in 15 years.
取个大题目, 嘻嘻. 仅适用于不解雇员工的大公司.
优: 在本部门扶摇直上.
良: 跳来跳去升职.
中: 呆在一个部门, 久不升职.
差: 不得不跳来跳去, 还升不了职.
有感于前两月宣布一个新任命的VP. 从一线操作者到VP仅15年时间. 而且是第一代移民.
Niu: Always get promotion within department.
Successful: Always get promotion by transferring department.
Normal: Not much promotion and stay in one department.
Loser: Not much promotion even keep transferring department.
According to the experience of a VP in my company. He get promoted from bench scientist to VP in 15 years.
取个大题目, 嘻嘻. 仅适用于不解雇员工的大公司.
优: 在本部门扶摇直上.
良: 跳来跳去升职.
中: 呆在一个部门, 久不升职.
差: 不得不跳来跳去, 还升不了职.
有感于前两月宣布一个新任命的VP. 从一线操作者到VP仅15年时间. 而且是第一代移民.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-3-26 20:28:06编辑过]