By vallynomad (硅谷游侠)
The relocation package varies with different companies. It usually covers the
transportation of the employee and familiy members from their original
location to new location, the moving of the household belongings incluinding
packing, shipping the unpacking. the temporary living expense (e.g 3 months
rent and meals, 1 month car rental) in the new place, the expense of selling
old house and buying new one (e.g. closing cost, lawyer fee, insceased
mortgage payment due to interest rate change etc.), any other misc. cost such
as lease-breaking fee of old rental agreement, untility connection charges
(phone, cable TV etc.) in new location. In some cases, the package provdes a
house-hunting trip for you and familiy members to go to the new location for a
several days to look for your new house before moving. It may also gives you a
cleaing-up trip for going back to origianl place to deal with things such as
selling the old house after moving. Since IRS considers those payment as your
income, the package usually covers related tax. Therefore, the total package
can be anywhere between 10K to 100K or even more, depending on the situation
of involved individuals.

[此贴子已经被作者于12/8/2003 8:05:41 PM编辑过]