另外, 那位好心给个申请H1B所需材料清单吧。 多谢了。
But I can't find any info about the list even though the some topics said so but the content was something else... No attorney would provide me a list without having them to prepare the case.
I also can't find it at USCIS website...
发信人: baihe (lily), 信区: Immigration
标 题: 办H1需要的材料
发信站: Unknown Space - 未名空间 (Sat Feb 21 00:14:56 2004) WWW-POST
Name of prospective employee:
Current residence address:
Address in home country:
Telephone: (home) (work)
FAX (home) (work)
E-Mail (home) (work)
Social Security number:
Date of Birth: Place of Birth:
Martial Status:
Name(s) and date(s) of birth of spouse and child(ren)
Job Title:
Job description:
Salary offered:
Job site or sites (list all assignments) of intended employment:
Dates of intended employment at each job site:
Applicant's present employment and summary of prior work experience:
Has applicant ever held H-1B visa, is so, initial effective date:
Please provide the following documentation (copies), if applicable:
(FAXes and Photocopies are generally acceptable if legible)
Passport of prospective employee (and any family members)
I-94 of prospective employee (and any family members)
EAD (employment authorization document (work permit))
Bachelor's Degree with transcripts
Master's Degree with transcripts
Ph.D. Degree with transcripts
Marriage certificate
(Certified translations of degree, transcripts and marriage certificate should
be provided if not in English)
Birth Certificates of children
All previous Immigration approval notices
If working under H-1B currently, please provide last pay check stub
Documents Required
1. Name, address, telephone, and fax number. (email or website addresses if
2. Federal Employer ID No.
3. Year established and number of employees;
4. Gross annual income and net annual income;
5. Title of immediate supervisor if any;
6. Name and title of person who will sign the papers;
7. Salary offered to employee;
8. College degree required for the position;
9. Job title and job duties of the employee to be hired;
10. Dates for H-1B: From ____/ __/______ __to _______/ __/
11. Four (4) company letterheads;
12. Brochure/ Company profile/Company resume;
13. Business docs to show sufficient work & funds for the hiring might be
required for small companies
All info may be faxed for prompt processing except No. 11 requiring original
(No. 12: original better for INS).
1. Diploma(s) and transcripts (if degree acquired outside of U.S. and in
non-English, a certified translation is required and must be submitted to an
INS approved agency for evaluation); (if no Bachelor degree, submit any
academic certificate with detailed resume describing all work experiences and
employment certificates if possible).
2. If in the U.S., provide evidence of current immigration status and
expiration of the current status (if student status. Submit copy of I-20 and
Employment Authorization Card if under Practical Training).
3. Copy of passport (birth date/place, etc.)
4. Copy of I-94(date of last arrival, I-94#)
5. Present home address
6. Social Security Number
7. Resume
Item 3-7 can be faxed for prompt processing.
If apply for H-4 for family member(s), provide the above items 2-6
※ 来源:.Unknown Space - 未名空间 mitbbs.com.[FROM: 24.225.]
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