Reading - Who lives in the White House.
Writing - The President lives in the White House.
- What is freedom of religion?
- What is the name of the President of the United States now?
- What is the political party of the President now?
- What is one responsibility that is only for United States citizens?
- What is one thing Benjamin Franklin is famous for?
- There were 13 original states. Name Three.
然后过N400的个人信息,如果有改动的话,移民官会当场改然后让你确认后签字。Yes or No的问题一定要听清楚再回答,因为不一定会按顺序或按套路问(比如Have you ever or Do you willing 之类的). 到最后我被问了一个问题,Do you understand the full meaning of Oath of allegiance? 我回答Yes, It is a promise to be loyalty of the United States. 他还问还有呢?我说要obey the law of the United States. 然后他在tablet上 show给我看了整个誓词让我看完签字后,才算让我过了。