Thanks for sharing, very useful
Thanks so much. Diabetes is considered to 慢性病? Both my parents have diabetes for several years. It is controled well. No related diseases, no difference from normal people. But it is impossible to be recovered completely under current medical situation. I am the only chilld at home. Non-immagration visa is rejected. If immagration visa is rejected, what can I do?
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/5/26 12:21:00编辑过]
Re: 这个和非移民签证不同,没有那种移民倾向之类的猜想式判定。只要你的公民是真的,有亲属关系公证,没有 拒签的理由。
请问什么是大的慢性病,我爸爸在上海体检时因为40多年前得过肺结核,X-光有小的阴影,被要求验痰,结果要下个礼拜才能出来.我是担心阿! 请问楼主的父母是什么情况.如果真的要治愈需要多久呢? 非常感谢!
Thank you so much, the informations is very helpful.
What is next step after I130? Approval upon interview means approval of I130, is that right? When to submit 485? Do they need to go to GuangZhou again to have fingerprint? and how long does it take for I485 to approve?
Thanks a lot!
I want to apply green cards for my parents too. But I don't work now, can I apply for them? My household income is enough to support. I don't know. Also, where can I find out the benefit they will get when they become a permanant resident? anywhere I can find out.
thanks for the help. I am living PA.
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.3
楼主很热心,帖子很详细! 我的一个同事父母的I-130三个月就批了(最近)。
我正在准备给我爸递交I-130,遇到一个重大障碍,他们六十年代结婚,没有结婚证!现在补办的话,只能写现在的日子,不符合USCIS的要求 (marriage certificate established that your father was married to your mother before you were born)。
大家给参谋以下还有什么方法。我现在的准备是我出证明他们那时侯没有marriage certificate,用Affidavits还作证他们是在我出生前结婚的。
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/8/1 13:23:23编辑过]
楼主很热心,帖子很详细! 我的一个同事父母的I-130三个月就批了(最近)。
我正在准备给我爸递交I-130,遇到一个重大障碍,他们六十年代结婚,没有结婚证!现在补办的话,只能写现在的日子,不符合USCIS的要求 (marriage certificate established that your father was married to your mother before you were born)。
大家给参谋以下还有什么方法。我现在的准备是我出证明他们那时侯没有marriage certificate,用Affidavits还作证他们是在我出生前结婚的。
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